How to Choose a Major that Fits You Perfectly?

Choosing one's major may seem intimidating at first, especially when you don't have a clear picture of your future path and goals. While others may feel they know what they want to do and what to major in, unfortunately, they choose the wrong one!

However, there are three major areas, if studied carefully and precisely, can clear things up and direct you to your desired future path.

1) Academically:

Attending a university or a college is tough work and requires a tremendous chunk of energy. So if you are studying things that you don't really enjoy, it will be hard for you to complete your educational journey successfully without failing courses and having to take them all over again.

So to avoid having to deal with these failures from the beginning of the road, start by searching for the major that you feel confident in. And because you will be spending most of your university days studying, you must be enjoying it to do your best and be able to develop competence in your domain.

For example, if you enjoy specific classes at high school, such as Biology, look up for majors related to it in some ways. Or if you are passionate about mathematics, then choose something related to math, and no it doesn't have to be engineering!
There is a big misconception that if you love math or physics, then you should pursue an engineering degree. There is absolutely no relation between the two (yes you need math as a tool for calculation, just like calculating anything in life, but its not the main focus in engineering).

If you have a passion for math, why not pursue a math degree and afterward continue your Ph.D, instead of being delusional and losing all your potentials in math for another major you're not interested in. Remember, it's all about passion, the more passionate you are, the more successful you will be!

So the point here is that you need to fully understand the major, and thoroughly peruse the courses offered to see if it will be a great fit for you. Don't hesitate to contact universities and ask for help or advise. You need as much information as possible from many sources to be confident that this particular major will meet your interest.

2) Professionally:

This part is of paramount importance and should be in your top priority when deciding what kind of major you want to pursue. Because, academically speaking, you will only stay at university for a couple of years, but professionally, your job will stay with you forever.
You should put in mind 2 things while taking this decision, in which your chosen major should provide you with a job that:


Start by asking yourself: "What job will I be happy with 10, 20 and 50 years from now?". It is very important that you think deeply and imagine yourself in the next decades of your life, because if you don't enjoy what you do, you'll always feel miserable even if you are paid well.

Remember, it's not how much money you get that makes you happy and feel joy in your life, it's who you want to become. You could be working and being paid thousands of dollars a month, but still feel unfulfilled and empty because you don't like what you are doing and you feel frustrated every single morning waking up and going to your work with zero passion and excitement inside you, and the only motive for you is money.

But know something, if you love what you do in life, you will be able to stand out from the crowd, in which success and money will ensue.
Don't, I repeat, DON'T search for money and success in a job, search for a job that you love, a job that you don't mind working 24/7 and still enjoy every moment in it, and after that money and success will automatically follow.

Your job will take the majority of your life, so follow your passion and listen to your inner voice, don't listen to those who tell you that you should do this or that because it pays well, it's NOT gonna pay you well if you don't enjoy it.


When you first graduate from university, the first thing you will do is look for a job, and it might feel overwhelming since it's not easy for a fresh graduate with zero real-life experience to be accepted in a professional position.

You need to be convincing enough to show that you are a great fit in the company you're applying to. You have to be special and unique in a way that you fill a need for this company, or even fill a gap present in society. This would really help because let me tell you something, companies don't care that much about your academical history (although it could help a little bit and give a first impression for a fresh graduate), but what they care about most is what you can offer to them, no matter who you are!

"But what if I don't know what I'm skilled at?"

Well, we are all created equally, and skills are created by the accumulation of our past experiences and endeavors. So if you are not really sure about what you are special at, then go back and think again in what you really enjoy doing, and start working on yourself to reach a high level of professionalism.

If you love what you do, you won't mind spending hours daily on acquiring skills and building a decent profile for yourself.
Remember, passion creates motivation, which leads to innovation.

3) Availability:

In other words, will you be able to find a job in your related field of study after you graduate? Is your major employable? Will you be able to take freelance work or build your own business in the future in this particular major?

Avoid being underwhelmed from employment rejection later on, by choosing a more broader field of study instead of something narrow and a bit niche. Also, avoid the ones that are super outdated and antiquated.

You also need to put in mind the future of this profession even if it is employable today.
Is it blooming and advancing with time? Will it still be available 30 years from now? Will technology take place your coveted job position later on by replacing humans with artificial intelligence or automated machines? Because if you can't find a job, what's the point of spending your time and money in pursuing a degree you won't work with?

To Sum Things Up...

If you want to get one thing from what you have read, it is that YOU SHOULD FOLLOW WHAT YOUR HEART DESIRES in choosing your future career. Remember, you are pursuing a degree to help you reach your dream job. END OF STORY!
Make every year count, make your higher education a bridge to what you aspire to do, make it a means to an end.

Don't hesitate to ask for help from advisors, teachers, family members, employees or senior university students. But most importantly, make it your own decision!

Don't forget, it is YOUR life, not anyone else.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post.
Mohammad Bilani


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