How to Be Fully Committed to Your Habits
It is said that we are what we repeatedly do. Our personality, character, skills, experiences, talents and attributes are directly related to the habits that we create in our lives. However, it's a bit challenging for most of us to stay committed to our habits since life doesn't always work the way we want it to. Yet, there are some easy and applicable steps that can guide you to be fully committed to your habits. So without further ado, let's get started! 😎 1) Start Asking WHY?! Why do you want to be committed to this habit? What's in it for you? Is it that important? Asking why will provide you clear reasons , which will motivate and fuel you up to stay consistent with your coveted habit. For example: If you want to make working out your new habit, you should know exactly WHY do you want that?! Is it because you're jealous of anybody? You want to impress others? You HOPE to be in better shape? Because if so, chances are you won't s...